Vision and Mission

Vision statement

Our Vision is to bring Hope to the hopeless, light to the darkness and love to the lost
in a pursuit of an expression of Gods Glory revealed through us.

To become who we were born to be and do what we were born to do, to be God’s
vessels on this earth.

To represent Jesus well on earth to the best of our abilities.

Mission statement

Christ Mission life is to impact the nations of Africa in bringing the Gospel, charity,
healing and training to the mission field. To create an environment where God can
touch Africa by becoming His hands and His feet.  

Mission – The big picture

Christ Mission Life’s heart is to bring Jesus to the nations through love and wisdom,
constantly pursuing God’s heart for His people. We want to see a lasting impact that will
have a permanent ripple effect for generations to come. We want to pursue the
advancement of God’s Kingdom through a life of surrender and sacrifice to Him to become
the tools in His hands to use for His glory.

We need to leave a lasting legacy for Christ Mission Life for future generations to build on.
We are building foundations for the next generations to come, and we honour the
generations of the past in an environment where we do not live for our own glory but for
the glory of our magnificent King Jesus.

We strive to create an environment and culture where pride and selfish ambitions will be
put aside. The only ambitions we want to create is the ambition to see God touch the hearts
and minds of as many people as possible. A culture where values of honour and respect will
be cherished towards each other and towards those whom we are serving. 

Our best example is to follow the life of Jesus Christ. He never used the systems of this
world to spread His ministry, yet He touched the whole world. He wasn’t a politician, an
earthly king, a ruler nor did He possess any man-made title, yet He was and still is, the King
of the universe. This same example is what we want to follow where we look beyond
conventional methods of influence and power. We do follow the laws and systems of this
world but scripture tells us in John 17:11-15 that we are not of this world and neither is Jesus.
He did not overcome the world by submitting to its ways, He won it over through love for
His people, wisdom, knowledge, real truth, signs and wonders done with the authority given
to Him by His Father and the ways of His Kingdom (Matthew 28:18).

Everyone who is a part of Christ Mission Life should always have to ask the Lord to search
their hearts and to place His motives, plans and goals into our hearts. To love like He does,
to serve with excellence like He did and to bring change like He showed us so we can do all
these things to the best of our ability to represent Him as best we can.

Our Mission is to be the light of the world (John 8:12/Matthew 5:14-16) as Jesus called us to
be on this earth, to bring light to the darkness and hope to the lost. “Darkness only prevails in
the absence of light”. There is much darkness in this world and that darkness should convict
all who follow Christ as it becomes our responsibility to shine light to the darkness.
Darkness thrives in many places because the children of God are not rising up and moving.
We need to rise up, stand in faith and bring Hope to the nations!

Above all else we need to love fiercely because He first loved us (1 John 4:19)! Jesus Christ
gave His life in the most expensive display of love the universe has ever seen. Because of
that we are called to love. This is our new covenant, given by Jesus Himself in John 13:34.
We will be known by our love (John 13:36).

Vision Goals

  • To introduce as many people into Gods Kingdom as we can.
  • To bring healing to the people of the nations of the world, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
  • To bring practical ways to meet basic needs in order to help improve their lives.(Medical aid, water, Bibles, training, resources).
  • To bring leadership training to local churches and group leaders to equip them to serve well.
  • To bring Bible study into areas where there is great need and desire for understanding and learning about the Good News of the Word of God.
  • To bring Hope to the Hopeless
  • To bring Joy to the Joyless
  • To bring Strength to the suffering
  • To bring salvation and healing to the lost.